Stock and Options Investing
Mastermind Program

Learn How To Make Reliable Passive Income With Confidence Without Prior Experience In The Stock Market.

Are you new to stock & Options trading? You tried to learn on your own but got confused by all the terms and strategies out there. You are looking for a step-by-step guide that can guide me to make my first trade with confidence… without losing my principal?

Are you someone who has been following gurus’ newsletters or discord chat group and your account is still in the red? You have no idea what went wrong and you are tired of losing money. You are looking for a track-record proven strategy to rebuild your confidence and see profits in your account again.

Or have you been dabbling in the stock market and make some money but only to lose it all back in the next couple trades? You are looking for a recession-tested strategy that can make you a consistent income for only 30 minutes per day!

If you are saying yes to any of these points above… know that you are not alone… I have been investing and even day trading since 2011 to experience the same pains — I burnt $10k USD starting out without a strong system, discipline and experience. This drove me to study the stock and options market relentlessly, and a decade later, I have replaced my 6-figure income by entering trades for only 30 mins per day on my phone!


What I am about to share with you is one of the key pillars in replacing my 6-figure income. I will keep building what I have started but now it can be done from wherever, whenever and on my time and terms. 

I hope to help you do the same sooner! 

I have been sharing my proprietary trading method 1-on-1 with my personal coaching clients, and my dear friends & family for years. They have achieved great results from my direct coaching and instructions rather than just consuming more content. 

Now, I will be sharing my proprietary method with a small group of investors and will be working with you all individually. 

So many of you asked, and I thought this would probably be the best format.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed broker and I will not give financial advice or recommendations. I am purely sharing my trade positions and opinions for entertaining and educational purpose. Please do your own research and due diligence before making any investment decision.

Recent Profit Results and Testimonials




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Cameron Griffith reached F.I.R.E. at age 32!

We are not competing against who can reach F.I.R.E. the fastest. This is a marathon, not a sprint. As long as you are better than your yesterday self, you are one step closer to your own version of F.I.R.E.!

These skills are not taught in school and are much valuable in real life!

Click here to watch the full interview

Kamran Mayani grew up with a silver spoon and never worked a corporate job since college graduation. This does not stopped him from continuously learning new ways to be successful in life.

I really admire his attitude towards life! You cannot choose where you were born but you have all the control to chose where you want to go!

Click here to watch the full interview

Diana is an actuarian.

She believes that it is important to surround yourself with like-minded people. Stock options and REI changed her retirement perspective. And that she wants to live life on her own terms.

Click here to watch the full interview

My intermediate course alumni Kat and Ryan really blew me away with their results after taking my intermediate course!

They are traveling to Japan for one year, thanks to the stock options strategies I taught them!

Kat was able to trade right away and comfortably doing so right after taking my beginner course.

Click here to watch the full interview

Vito is one of my beginner course alumni. He’s been trading options since January of this year.

When starting, he realized that YouTube videos could only take him so far until he came across my channel and took a chance and signed up for my beginner course.

— And it became the real game-changer and the real corner turner for him!

Now, he would like to think that, within a couple of years, he’s in a position where a nine to five day job is optional. And he has some pretty nice golden handcuffs.

Click here to watch the full interview

Michael runs a sport travel business. When Covid came along, the business income had pretty much dried out.

That is when he realized that he needs to reposition himself to ensure that he will continue to earn an income. Watching my Youtube videos resonate with him, and that is why he reached out to me.

As one of my VIP members, Michael has a really cool track record of realizing $72,000 USD from January 1 to February 12!

Click here to watch the full interview

Lester is an Anesthesiologist by trade but he is not satisfied with just one income source!

Things didn't make sense for him for over the past two years of self-help with stock options books/videos. He was not comfortable by winging it with his real money...

UNTIL he ran into my videos and sign-up for my beginner and intermediate course, which has been one of the best decisions he ever made!

My course decodes a lot of key mindset and terms he couldn’t understand before.

With a humble $50,000 USD account, his course fee was paid for In just two and half months of trading.

He loves how he can do this anywhere in the world and just a few minutes here and there.

Click here to watch the full interview

Meet Brandon, a graduate of my beginner and intermediate courses who actually comes from a finance academic background.

It wasn’t until he took my courses until he truly understood the power of trading options. Brandon also recently took the plunge into the world of real estate investing! 🔥

Click here to watch the full interview

Meet Nick Huang, one of my most successful and engaging alumni.

Find out how visualizing his life path both with and without “pursuing F.I.R.E.” motivated Nick to check out my free webinar and sign up for my Stocks & Options Trading Beginner Course


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